June 1st has been quite a day lots of times. From visiting with deer to visiting thin air, i’ve had some fun on June number one. This year was no different – and spontaneous to boot.

I’d ridden quite a bit the day before, so the idea of another big up wasn’t my starting point, but I also wanted to do something to honor June 1st. That meant Montebello for a first pass at a full 3peat. I’ve done variations on 3peat to the school for over a decade, but not the full climb. As I’m slow you gotta figure 40-45 minutes per up, so it takes a while.

Anyway, I ended up doing it and felt pretty good. The last lap included some spectacular fruit and a surprise cold beer part way up from a great friend.

The hot is coming off and on, so it could be great fun the next few weeks. What sort of adventures can you come up with? Still working up what projects to do over the next 3 months. I haven’t ridden 200mi yet. I have a couple of projects in the Works, but don’t wanna give too much away…